Fresh 48
“In revealing and in reliving on earth the very fatherhood of God, a man is called upon to ensure the harmonious and united development of all the members of the family” - St. John Paul II
Just this past week, Catholics around the world began their Lenten journeys. Ash Wednesday of last year, I had the privilege of photographing my goddaughter’s first day of life. Annabella was born on Wednesday, February 14th, 2024. It was a cold and windy day much like that of today’s. As I walked through the bustling streets of Boston, I had a greater awareness of the precious gift of life. Annabella was delivered at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and for those who are familiar with the area, there are hospitals on nearly every corner. Ambulances whizzed by one after another. Whether I am walking or driving, I always try to offer a Hail Mary for the person inside and the doctors who will care for them. At each moment of the day, God is calling someone on to the next life or bringing a new life into the world.
Camera bag in tow, I made my way through the hospital and up to the floor my brother-in-law and sister-in-law were on. As I approached the door, it felt as if I was about to enter a sacred place. The pain a mother endures to bring her child into the world is like no other. Then, the mother has to recover. She is vulnerable and raw. Her discomfort is superseded by the small human who is depending on her to live.
I entered the room and saw a tiny baby, so fresh and new. I glanced to the bed and saw two exhausted parents and then near the window, three grandparents filled to the brim with joy. There is nothing quite like the miracle of birth.
God, out of His abundant love for us, allows us to share in His creation. Annabella will live her life on earth and God willing, her soul will live eternity in heaven.
As I embark on yet another Lenten season, I am reminded of all the graces God bestows upon us to help make the way of the cross. No matter which season of life you find yourself in, remember He is calling you to Himself. May the miracle of a child coming into the world, remind us of the miracle of Christ’s birth which was for the purpose of dying on the cross for our salvation.
“Nothing great is ever achieved without much enduring” —St. Catherine of Siena